Knowing which hands to play in a game of Texas Hold’em is essential to your success at the table. While experienced players can make moves with a wider range of hands, beginners should focus on playing premium hands that give them the best chance of winning. Here are the top five Texas Hold’em hands you should always play.
1. Pocket Aces (AA) – The Best Starting Hand
Pocket Aces, also known as “Bullets” or “Rockets,” are the strongest starting hand in Texas Hold’em. They dominate almost any other hand preflop and should always be played aggressively. Raising and re-raising with AA is the best way to maximize your winnings while minimizing the number of opponents who stay in the hand.
How to Play:
- Always raise preflop to build the pot and thin the field.
- Continue betting postflop unless the board presents a dangerous straight or flush draw.
2. Pocket Kings (KK) – The Second Best Hand
Pocket Kings, or “Cowboys,” are another premium hand you should always play. While they only rank behind pocket Aces, they still have a strong chance of winning most hands. However, be cautious if an Ace appears on the board, as it can weaken your hand significantly.
How to Play:
- Raise preflop to establish dominance in the hand.
- If an Ace appears on the board, be cautious and read your opponents’ actions.
3. Pocket Queens (QQ) – A Strong Hand Worth Betting
Pocket Queens, or “Ladies,” are a very strong hand but slightly more vulnerable than Aces or Kings. They perform well against most hands but can be tricky to play if the board contains high cards like Aces or Kings.
How to Play:
- Raise preflop to avoid letting weaker hands see a cheap flop.
- Be mindful of any overcards (Kings or Aces) appearing on the board.
4. Ace-King (AK) – The Best Drawing Hand
Ace-King, known as “Big Slick,” is a powerful hand, especially when suited. While it isn’t a made hand like a pocket pair, it has strong potential to improve into top pair, two pair, or even a straight or flush.
How to Play:
- Raise preflop to put pressure on weaker hands.
- If you hit an Ace or King on the flop, continue betting confidently.
- If you miss the flop entirely, consider a well-timed continuation bet or fold if facing aggression.
5. Pocket Jacks (JJ) – A Tricky But Strong Hand
Pocket Jacks, also called “Hooks” or “Fishhooks,” are a strong starting hand but can be difficult to play. Since they are vulnerable to overcards (Queens, Kings, and Aces), they require careful postflop play.
How to Play:
- Raise preflop to thin the field and build the pot.
- Be cautious if overcards appear on the board, and assess your opponents’ bets.
Playing on NLOP
Playing premium hands like AA, KK, QQ, AK, and JJ will help you make better decisions and maximize your winnings in Texas Hold’em. While there are other hands worth playing, these five are the safest bets for beginners looking to build a solid foundation.
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